List of all the companies that shark Mark Cuban have invested along with other Sharks In Shark Tank USA Season 13

List of all the companies that shark Mark Cuban have invested Invested along with other Sharks In Shark Tank USA Season 13. Explore episodes, pitches, companies, products, seasons


Amazon Solimo

Upgrade your everyday essentials with Amazon Solimo – quality you can trust at prices you'll love! Shop now!

The Transformation Factory

The Transformation Factory

Edible gels made from sea moss. they sell "Irish Sea Moss," a type of seaweed commonly found along the shorelines of the British Isles.

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 13

Raised: $600,000 for 20%...



line of inclusive flesh toned bandages

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 13

Raised: $100,000 for 25% + $75,000 credit line...

No Limbits

No Limbits

line of adaptive clothing for those with disabilities

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 13

Raised: $100,000 for 10%...



aluminum free deodorant for perfect pits

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 13

Raised: $300K for 10% + 4% in advisory shares...

Black Sands Entertainment

Black Sands Entertainment

Culturally diverse comics, animations, and other media

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 13

Raised: $500,000 for 30%...

Banana Loca

Banana Loca

Banana coring and filling tool

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 13

Raised: $250,000 for 25% + $3 royalty until $250,000 is repaid...

Flasky Flowers

Flasky Flowers

bouquet holders that double as an easy to fill flask

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 13

Raised: $75,000 for 30%...



send a personalized song

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 13

Raised: $500,000 for 40%...