Hot Mama Gowns

Hot Mama Gowns

Maternity gowns made of 100% organic cotton, designed for breastfeeding moms

Investment Details

    Season: Shark Tank USA Season 2

    Original Ask: $30,000 for 20%

    Got Investment: No

  • Pitch: Watch Hot Mama Gowns Shark Tank Pitch

Explore Shark Tank USA Season 2 Companies


Amazon Solimo

Upgrade your everyday essentials with Amazon Solimo – quality you can trust at prices you'll love! Shop now!

Caddy Swag

Caddy Swag

Cooler that fits inside your golf bag

Raised: No Deal



LED backlit logos and decals for your vehicle window

Raised: $100,000 for 70%

Daisy Cakes

Daisy Cakes

Authentic, hand-sifted, homemade cakes

Raised: $50,000 for 25% - $1 royalty per cake until $50,000 is repaid

Thin Gloss

Thin Gloss

Lip gloss that suppresses your appetite to help keep you thin

Raised: No Deal

Sweep Easy

Sweep Easy

Broom with an attached scraper

Raised: $80,000 for 25%

New Era Brands Clip

New Era Brands Clip

Kroupa created a small container of mints and gum that clips on to backpacks, purses, and other convenient spots, for breath freshening on the go.

Raised: No Deal

Carsik Bib

Carsik Bib

Disposable bib with a water-tight pouch for catching throw-up

Raised: No Deal

Fridge Fronts

Fridge Fronts

Decorative magnetic skins for refrigerators

Raised: $100,000 for 50%



Shoulder mounted hydration system keeping athletes hydrated on the field

Raised: $50,000 for 50%

Broccoli Wad

Broccoli Wad

The ultimate money band for holding cash

Raised: $500,000 for 40%



Eco-friendly push mowers

Raised: No Deal

Hillbilly Brand

Hillbilly Brand

Clothing for rednecks and truckers

Raised: $75,000 for 100% + 7% royalty paid to entrepreneurs on future licensing deals