List of all the companies that shark Robert Herjavec have invested along with other Sharks In Shark Tank USA Season 6

List of all the companies that shark Robert Herjavec have invested Invested along with other Sharks In Shark Tank USA Season 6. Explore episodes, pitches, companies, products, seasons


Amazon Solimo

Upgrade your everyday essentials with Amazon Solimo – quality you can trust at prices you'll love! Shop now!



custom publishing and merchandise marketing company that delivers exclusive merchandise and collectibles to superfans

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 6

Raised: $725,000 for 17%...



eco-friendly alternative to peat moss

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 6

Raised: $600,000 for 35%...

The Mensch on a Bench

The Mensch on a Bench

Jewish toy that promotes the story of Hanukkah

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 6

Raised: $150,000 for 15%...

The Red Dress Boutique

The Red Dress Boutique

modern, affordable womens fashions

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 6

Raised: $1,200,000 for 20%...