List of all the companies that shark Kevin Harrington have invested along with other Sharks In Shark Tank USA Season 1

List of all the companies that shark Kevin Harrington have invested Invested along with other Sharks In Shark Tank USA Season 1. Explore episodes, pitches, companies, products, seasons


BrownDoor brings trusted and verified interior vendors to your doorstep!



hands-free umbrella and windbreaker system

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 1

Raised: $200,000 for 51%...

Lipstix Remix

Lipstix Remix

Reuse/repair broken or melted lipstick

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 1

Raised: $105,000 for 50%...

Body Jac

Body Jac

push up stand

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 1

Raised: $180,000 for 50%...

Classroom Jams

Classroom Jams

educational record label and publishing house designed to get students into learning about classic works of literature

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 1

Raised: $250,000 for 100%...

A Perfect Pear

A Perfect Pear

line of organic pear jams and other recipes

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 1

Raised: $500,000 for 50%...