List of all the companies that shark Daniel Lubetzky have invested along with other Sharks In Shark Tank USA Season 12

List of all the companies that shark Daniel Lubetzky have invested Invested along with other Sharks In Shark Tank USA Season 12. Explore episodes, pitches, companies, products, seasons


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Tandem Boogie

Tandem Boogie

inflatable bodyboard designed to carry two people

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 12

Raised: $100,000 for 35%...

Misfit Foods

Misfit Foods

line of veggie infused sausages

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 12

Raised: $300,000 for 15%...

Bee D'Vine

Bee D'Vine

sustainably produced, barrel-aged honey wine from Sonoma Valley

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 12

Raised: $750,000 for 40%...