List of all the companies that shark Barbara Corcoran have invested along with other Sharks In Shark Tank USA Season 5

List of all the companies that shark Barbara Corcoran have invested Invested along with other Sharks In Shark Tank USA Season 5. Explore episodes, pitches, companies, products, seasons


Amazon Solimo

Upgrade your everyday essentials with Amazon Solimo – quality you can trust at prices you'll love! Shop now!

Hold Your Haunches

Hold Your Haunches

shapewear for women

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 5

Raised: $75,000 for 40% plus $100,000 credit line for purchase orders...



online electronics recycling

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 5

Raised: $100,000 for 20%...

Veggie Mama Garden Pops

Veggie Mama Garden Pops

frozen fruit and veggie bars

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 5

Raised: $75,000 for 20%...

Sweet Ballz

Sweet Ballz

cake balls

Season: Shark Tank USA Season 5

Raised: $250,000 for 25%...