haircar for boys made from organic ingredients
Raised: No Deal
modular box for extra space made from upcycled shipping containers
Raised: $300,000 for 10%
noise cancelling earphone for dogs
Raised: No Deal
all in one recipe preparation system for prepping, measuring and storing without making a mess
Raised: No Deal
snack sized date bites
Raised: $150,000 for 33.3%
premium beach chair
Raised: $1 Million for 5% + $5 per chair until $1 Milion is paid
customizable physical and digital NFT sports collectibles
Raised: $250,000 for 10% + 1.5% from every NFT sold
wire-free lingerie made for bigger busts
Raised: $150,000 for 20%
plant-based superfood bacon made from seaweed
Raised: $1,000,000 for 7%
oversized customizable hats for sports fans
Raised: $50,000 for 30%
storeable, stackable, wipeable, modular system to build the ulimate pillow fort
Raised: No Deal
aluminum free deodorant for perfect pits
Raised: $300K for 10% + 4% in advisory shares