List of all the companies that shark Vikas D Nahar have invested along with other Sharks In Shark Tank INDIA Season 2

List of all the companies that shark Vikas D Nahar have invested Invested along with other Sharks In Shark Tank INDIA Season 2. Explore episodes, pitches, companies, products, seasons


Amazon Solimo

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Naara Aaba is a visionary’s dream of delivering the taste of world-class premium wines in every nook and cranny of the globe. Crafted from organic fruits harvested in rural backyards.

Season: Shark Tank INDIA Season 2

Raised: ₹ 50 Lakhs for 5% Equity and ₹ 25 Lakhs Debt @ 10% Interest...

T.A.C- The Ayurvedic Co.

T.A.C- The Ayurvedic Co.

Shop natural ayurvedic skincare products online at T.A.C. Discover range of natural products for glowing and healthy skin, hair, body, and overall wellness.

Season: Shark Tank INDIA Season 2

Raised: ₹ 81 Lakhs for 1% Equity and ₹ 69 Lakhs Debt @ 12% interest...