Travel Bags
Raised: ₹ 3 Crores for 1.5% Equity + 1% Royalty until 3 Crore is Recouped
Hand Made Fabric Jewellery
Raised: ₹ 60 Lakhs for 7.5% Equity
Plant-based dairy products
Raised: No Deal
Age Longetivity Supplements
Raised: ₹ 1 Crore for 2.25% Equity + 1% Royalty until 1.5 Crore is Recouped
Without™ makes the world's first recycled sunglasses (among other things) made from packets of chips. This plastic waste (MLP) is considered impossible to recycle, but we have worked hard over the last two years and found a way. And we do this while empowering wastepickers out of poverty
Raised: ₹ 75 Lakhs for 3% Equity
Clothes Tailoring Academy
Raised: No Deal
Optical Character Recognition
Raised: ₹ 60 Lakhs for 6% Equity
Wearable Mobility Aid
Raised: ₹ 50 Lakhs for 2.3% Equity
Energy Drink
Raised: ₹ 10 Lakhs for 10% Equity + 3% Royalty till 40 Lakhs are recouped
Mushroom Growing Service
Raised: No Deal
Jewellery Brand
Raised: No Deal
Letter Writing Services
Raised: ₹ 36 Lakhs for 6% Equity